Blog: Learning Innovation I've long been a fan of how Matt Reed writes about his family. Matt artfully walks the line between bringing our higher ed work home while maintaining family privacy. When I let Matt know how much I admire his way of writing about his kids and partner through a higher ed lens, he encouraged me to give it a shot. So here goes. Over the past two weeks, my wife and I have attended commencement ceremonies for our daughters. We had two graduations within a week because our older daughter had her Covid two-year delayed commencement. Watching the ceremony of these ceremonies and seeing my kids in regalia and all the commencement trappings brought to my mind all the things that I've gotten wrong as a higher ed parent. Here are a few of the higher ed mistakes I've made with my kids: Mistake #1 - Thinking I Could Tone Down the Insanity of the College Admissions Process: We are lucky that the college town where we live is blessed with a fantas...
Our Mission is to promote innovation in online & offline education through collaboration and connection to the most effective online, self paced, & offline classroom resources.