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Showing posts from November, 2021

JEECUP Exam Date 2022: Check UP Polytechnic Exam Date Here!

JEECUP Exam Date 2022: The exam Date has been released. The Uttar Pradesh Board of Technical Education (UPBTE) is the official authority that released the JEECUP Time Table 2022. The timetable is released for the famous Joint Entrance Examination Council Uttar Pradesh (JEECUP), also known as UP Polytechnic examination. In order to download the UP […] The post JEECUP Exam Date 2022: Check UP Polytechnic Exam Date Here! appeared first on Next in Career . from Next in Career via IFTTT

JEECUP Cut off 2022- Check UP Polytechnic Trade-wise Cut-Off Here!

JEECUP Cut off 2022: The Uttar Pradesh Board of Technical Education (UPBTE) is the official authority that releases the JEECUP Cut Off 2022. The Cut off is released for the famous Joint Entrance Examination Council Uttar Pradesh (JEECUP), also known as the UP Polytechnic examination. The JEECUP cut off marks are the minimum marks a […] The post JEECUP Cut off 2022- Check UP Polytechnic Trade-wise Cut-Off Here! appeared first on Next in Career . from Next in Career via IFTTT

Our Academic Libraries and ‘The Library: A Fragile History’

Blog:  Learning Innovation The Library: A Fragile History by Andrew Pettegree and Arthur der Weduwe Published in November of 2021. The Library: A Fragile History is ambitious in its scope and detail-oriented in its execution. The book traces the entire history of libraries, inclusive of private, state, public, and academic libraries. The Library can be read in several ways. The book is a history of the idea of the library, but also as a chronicle of how the physical form of the library has evolved. The Library helps us understand the place of libraries throughout history in nations, communities, and institutions (such as colleges and universities), as well as what the evolution of the library says about the places and cultures in which they are embedded. The Library can also be read as a history of the book. From manuscripts (most often created by skilled monastic scribes) to the 15th-century invention by Gutenberg of movable type printing to the current digital e-...

Higher Education’s Brave New World

Blog:  Higher Ed Gamma In the first session of my first class in graduate school, the professor warned my classmates and I about the worst sin that a graduate student could commit:  Trying to demonstrate how smart we were by savaging the books we were assigned to read. He called this “the steam roller technique” and said pointedly that if those books were as flawed and defective as we thought, then we obviously didn’t understand or appreciate the authors’ arguments and contributions. Worse yet, if the profession’s luminaries wrote such flawed works, how could we hope to do better? Good advice, I still think, nearly half a century later.  Whenever I feel tempted to criticize a book or article paragraph by paragraph, I remind myself that I have almost certainly misunderstood the author’s claims and contentions. I recently read Arthur Levine’s latest book,  The Great Upheaval: Higher Education's Past, Present, and Uncertain Future , co-authored with Scott...

MSBTE Model Answer Paper Released (Summer & Winter: I & G Scheme) 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017 PDF Download

MSBTE Model Answer Paper 2021: The Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education (MSBTE Mumbai) conducts diploma level examination twice a year and is known as summer examination and winter examination. Students, who are enrolled in various technical institutes/colleges in the region of Mumbai, Pune, Nagpur, and Aurangabad are affiliated to the Maharashtra State Board of […] The post MSBTE Model Answer Paper Released (Summer & Winter: I & G Scheme) 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017 PDF Download appeared first on Next in Career . from Next in Career via IFTTT

MSBTE Syllabus 2021-22 | Download Syllabus For MSBTE I & G Scheme (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th Sem) @

MSBTE Syllabus 2021-22: Candidates enrolled for the Diploma Program in one of the colleges/ institutes affiliated to the Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education can check out the MSBTE I & G Scheme syllabus of Semester 1,2,3,4,5 and 6. The programs offered by the various colleges/ institutes include Civil Engineering, Computer Engineering, Information Technology, Electronics […] The post MSBTE Syllabus 2021-22 | Download Syllabus For MSBTE I & G Scheme (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th Sem) @ appeared first on Next in Career . from Next in Career via IFTTT

MSBTE Winter Hall Ticket 2021 | Winter Session Admit Card Releasing Soon

MSBTE Hall Ticket 2021: The students can download the MSBTE Winter Hall Ticket Online from this page. The Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education (MSBTE) will release the MSBTE Winter admit card online for the entrance exam. It is held for 3-year technical diploma courses provided by various colleges/institutes located in Maharashtra State (specifically Mumbai, […] The post MSBTE Winter Hall Ticket 2021 | Winter Session Admit Card Releasing Soon appeared first on Next in Career . from Next in Career via IFTTT

MSBTE Winter Time Table 2022: Academic Schedule (Soon) – Download PDF Here

MSBTE Time Table 2022: Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education, Mumbai releases the time table for the semester exams. The Board conducts the examination in two sessions, one in Winter and the other in Winter. Therefore, it is important for the students that they must know the examination date sheet. However, only the candidates who […] The post MSBTE Winter Time Table 2022: Academic Schedule (Soon) – Download PDF Here appeared first on Next in Career . from Next in Career via IFTTT

Nevada lawmakers invest in first-generation students

Image:  A new initiative to fund efforts to support prospective first-generation college students in Nevada is modeled on an existing program designed to provide sixth-grade students a future path to college. The Dean’s Future Scholars program was launched by the University of Nevada at Reno more than two decades ago with just 50 middle school students who would presumably become the first in their families to go to college. More than 1,400 students have since participated. The program was so successful that it caught the attention of State Senator Heidi Seevers Gansert, a first-generation college graduate, ​who advocated for using federal COVID-19 relief dollars to fund a new statewide effort. The effort was part of a recovery bill passed by the Nevada Legislature in May, which allocates $4 million to the University of Nevada at Reno over three years to establish the Nevada First-Gen Network, a group of education institutions and organizations that are currently su...

MSBTE 2021-22 Winter Exam | Winter Session Registration, Exam Date & Syllabus

MSBTE 2022 – The Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education (MSBTE) conducts and regulates diploma-level technical education in the state of Maharashtra, India. Other than that, the examination body conducts half-yearly exams for the candidates enrolled in various technical courses in various colleges/institutes located in the districts of Mumbai, Nagpur, Pune, and Aurangabad. The half-yearly […] The post MSBTE 2021-22 Winter Exam | Winter Session Registration, Exam Date & Syllabus appeared first on Next in Career . from Next in Career via IFTTT

Low-income people pay more into lottery-funded scholarships

Image:  As the Mega Millions and Powerball jackpots grow, so do the lines of people looking to buy a ticket. That’s good news for state coffers and the public education programs they fund. In many states, a significant share of lottery revenue helps finance public higher education. During the 2020 fiscal year, nontax state support for higher education—primarily from lottery revenues—grew by 9.1 percent nationwide to a total of nearly $4.4 billion, according to the latest State Higher Education Finance report from the State Higher Education Executive Officers Association. When Georgia introduced its lottery in 1993, the state also created the HOPE scholarship program, which provides partial tuition scholarships to all Georgia students who meet a series of academic requirements. Big jackpots mean big payouts for the state; when the Mega Millions jackpot reached a record $1.5 billion in October 2018 , Georgia raked in $34.7 million for its HOPE scholars...

Butler County, Lewis and Clark Community Colleges hacked

Image:  Two community colleges were victims of ransomware attacks in the last week, the latest in a string of costly cyberintrusions at American higher education institutions. The latest institutions to be targeted—Butler County Community College in Pennsylvania and Lewis and Clark Community College in Illinois—remain closed as officials grapple with the aftermath of the attacks. Posts on a Lewis and Clark Facebook page make clear the scale of the attack as students vented about being shut out of their email, Blackboard, laptops and all other platforms requiring a college log-in. The incidents are part of a rising wave of ransomware attacks targeting American colleges and universities. According to Brett Callow , a threat analyst with the cybersecurity solutions company Emsisoft , 26 of 80 total ransomware incidents in the U.S. education sector so far this year targeted colleges or universities. There were 26 total incidents in 2020, up from just 18 in 2019. Many but no...

Gay men earn degrees at highest rate in the U.S.

Image:  Gay men earn undergraduate degrees at the highest rate of any group in the U.S., according to a new study on sexual orientation and academic achievement. Roughly 52 percent of gay men in the U.S. have a bachelor’s degree, compared to 36 percent of all adults and about 35 percent of straight men, the study found. “Across data sets and across the different educational outcomes that I looked at, gay men outpaced straight men by substantial margins,” said Joel Mittleman, the study’s author and an assistant professor of sociology at the University of Notre Dame. “And on most measures, not just straight men, but also straight women.” Additionally, 6 percent of gay men in the U.S. have an advanced degree, including a J.D., M.D. or Ph.D., which is about 50 percent higher than for straight men, he found. Mittleman said that gay men of every racial and ethnic group outperformed their straight male counterparts. “I think it’s especially striking ...

A Multicollege Collaboration Comes to Life: The Key Podcast

How can colleges move from competing to collaborating to better serve students? This week’s episode of The Key, Inside Higher Ed ’s news and analysis podcast, examines an unusual cooperative in New Mexico designed to improve how five community colleges (so far) operate and innovate. The Collaborative for Higher Education Shared Services, or CHESS, is made up of independent community colleges that have teamed up because they think they’re stronger together than apart. In the conversation, the presidents of two of the colleges, Becky Rowley of Santa Fe Community College and Tracy Hartzler of Central New Mexico Community College, discuss the combination of trust, subjugation of institutional ego and internal culture change required to bring about a cross-institutional collaboration like this. Listen to the episode here , and find out more about The Key here . Is this diversity newsletter?:  Hide by line?:  Disable left side advertisement?:  Is t...

Administrators at public universities must stand by researchers (opinion)

The recent controversy around the decision at the University of Florida to prohibit professors from participating in lawsuits against the state (a decision later reversed by President Kent Fuchs) is an example of the hyperpoliticization that has gripped many campuses in recent years. University leaders, particularly those in public institutions, have become gun-shy over any action that could have the appearance of antagonizing the politicians in their state. While governors and legislators can have great influence over public colleges and universities, presidents, provosts and deans need to demonstrate the courage to stand up to them in order to protect the integrity of their institutions, their faculty members and their students. While many today seem reluctant or unable to do so, this is not always the case. An illustrative example from early in my career can demonstrate the critical influence that strong leadership can provide. In 2000, I was in my first academic position as ...

Ep. 69: A Major Cross-College Collaboration

Colleges tend to compete rather than collaborate. That’s why a new five-college cooperative in New Mexico is so unusual. This week’s episode explores the Collaborative for Higher Education Shared Services, or CHESS. It’s made up, so far, of five independent community colleges in New Mexico that have teamed up because they think they’re stronger together than apart. They’ve started by agreeing to create a common enterprise resource planning structure to share resources and information in areas such as accounting, student records, human resources and payroll, but the vision ultimately includes many of the features you might see in a formal college system, including smoother student mobility and more efficient and cost-effective campus operations. In the conversation, the presidents of two of the colleges, Becky Rowley of Santa Fe Community College and Tracy Hartzler of Central New Mexico Community College, discuss the combination of trust, subjugation of institutional ego, and in...

The Tangled Transition to Adulthood

Blog:  Higher Ed Gamma Becoming an adult is much more difficult than it was sixty years ago. Following World War II, the young achieved adult status exceptionally quickly. In 1960, the average American woman was married by the age of 20, with her husband two years older. By age 24, most young people had achieved the markers of adult identity: marriage, children, homeownership, and, for men, a steady job. Today, the passage to adult status is far slower, much less uniform, more circuitous, and, in far too many instances, beset with obstacles and reverses.   Even though this society has, in theory, constructed a seamless glide path to a successful adulthood – college-going – in practice, this pathway fails to work for far too many young people.  Statistics tell the story.  Of 100 high school students, 88 graduate; 61 enroll in college; and 37 earn a degree in 6 years.  Of those 37, 22 work in a job that is related to their degree. For the more a...