Blog: Confessions of a Community College Dean A faithful reader sent me a heads-up about the June 4th Senate committee hearing on “Going Back to College Safely.” Witnesses scheduled to testify include Mitch Daniels, from Purdue; Christina Paxon, from Brown; Logan Hampton, from Lane College; and Georges Benjamin, from the American Public Health Association. Notably missing is anyone from a community college, or even a commuter college. That matters for reasons beyond the usual. The issues that commuter campuses face are fundamentally different. At the most basic level, our students leave campus every night, going to homes (or cars, sadly) all over Monmouth and neighboring counties. In many cases, they share those homes with people who work in other industries entirely. Some of those people are older, some are immuno-compromised, and some are children. My own college, like the majority of commu...
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